Other Opportunities
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The Henday Association for Lifelong Learning, Community Adult Learning Program provides support to individuals and learning opportunities for adults including:
(Click on topic for more information)
Customized, business and Specialty Courses/Workshops:
Businesses, Organizations, and Community Support:
We provide support for organizations, businesses and community members to deliver learning opportunities, provide video and web conference services, meeting and classroom space, and access to computers.
Post-secondary courses available:
​Early Learning and Child Care Certificate, Admin Professional Educational Assistant Certificate, Health Care Aid Certificate, Heavy Equip Operator, Management Certificate, Business Admin, Cannabis Production, and more!
Click here to visit the website: http://campusalbertacentral.com/
Literacy and Foundational Learning
ELL (English Language Learning)
One on One training is also available.
Customized to your need. Families Welcome!
Afternoon and Evening classes available.
Employment Skills Development:
Free 2 week as well as Evening Stand Alone Workshops available
We also provide Learner Support Services: Call us at 403-227-2866
Access to computers, internet, fax, photocopies, assistance with documents, resumes, job searches, information on learning opportunities, post-secondary programs, education planning, support for self directed or on-line learning, and information of community services and supports.
We are an approved post-secondary exam site: Please call to schedule your exam invigilation. 403.227-2866 or email: info@hendaylearning.com